Andrea and her best assistant!

Andrea and her best assistant!

About Andrea

Being born and raised in Overland Park, KS, Andrea spent most of her childhood playing pretend and performing for anyone who would watch and listen! It was her love of being in a world that she created with costumes, props and an imagined setting that led her to theatre. She has been in many musicals and plays throughout her life, which led to receiving her BA in Theatre from the University of Kansas.

After getting married to her love, one of her biggest and proudest roles she plays is mom to two beautiful children who inspire and flavor their world. This nugget of an idea started when she had her first child. She remembers playing with her son (who was two at the time). They would visit indoor play gyms during the winter and oh, the fun they would have... And the fun she would have with the children who were yearning to play creatively. She can’t tell you how many times she was the Big Bad Wolf – huffing and puffing, trying to blow the Playskool playhouse down.

This is where her little dream began to brew.

One of her purposes in life is to do what she can to help facilitate imagination in our very young and budding minds. She wants to do this by creating an environment for our littles to unplug and ignite their imagination to BE and FEEL whatever bubbles up in her Guided Imagination Laboratories! She also hopes to encourage parents…grandparents…any adult to find their inner child to be silly or daring to go to these extraordinary places with their kids!